You want more than a digital style - you want to feel brush strokes and see the built-up paint of an oil painting. You love physical objects and want your AI-generated art to feel like you're looking at a photograph of something analog, hanging on a wall somewhere.
This is the embedding for you. Download the '' file and trigger it in your prompt "art by classipeint" or "painted by classipeint" or simply "by classipeint"
It is reasonably flexible - I find I can prompt for fantasy elements, classic scenes, modern architecture ... it does sometimes take a little finessing but except for bad anatomy, I am using surprisingly few negative prompts.
Interested in generating your own embeddings? My Google doc walkthrough might help
You can rename the file and use that filename as the prompt. Just be sure your filename is unique and not something that may be an existing token that Stable Diffusion is trained on.
This embedding is a kind of companion to my first embedding, laxpeint, which provides a more digital-painting feel. Laxpeint is also more unruly and quirky (it often generates lots of baby heads? I don't know why) and this one suffers no such oddities that I've yet seen. They combine nicely together. Classipeint also does a good job combining with other embeddings.
Go ahead and upload yours!
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