Thank Support Contribution 感谢以下人员的支持与贡献
@liaoliaojun @明月明月 @南陌 @现代汉服研习小组 @小千 @善果心花 @WEN @科晓生 @林子安 @A++ 设计师雨晨
High quality hanfu lora model, feel the beauty of hanfu. Please don't hesitate to download and try it now!
汉服唐风 Tang Style Lora:
汉服宋风 Song Style Lora:
v3.0 Supports single dynasty style: song style、ming style
v2.9 - v1.0 Supported multiple styles: han style、tang style、 song style、 ming style
QQ交流群 149774926
微信交流群添加小助手 hanfuaigc
v2.9 - v1.0 版本支持多风格:汉风、唐风、宋风、明风
!!! v2.0版本泛性化比较好,适合低性能的跑图,tag参考各版本的图片信息。
!!! The v2.0 version has good generalization and is suitable for low performance running charts. For tags, refer to the image information of each version.
基础模型BaseModel: chilloutmix、Basil mix、cardosAnime、meinamix、RealisticVision
☑️ 长衫 long shan☑️ 短衫 short shan
☑️ green/white/pink/red/blue/black/purple/yellow
☑️ 绿/白/粉/红/蓝/黑/紫/黄 + 长衫或短衫
☑️ 浅蓝 light blue ☑️ 浅绿 light green ☑️ 黄白 yellow with white
☑️ 浅黄和白绿相间的短衫 light yellow with green with white short shan
☑️ 百迭裙 pleated skirt
☑️ white/red/green/blue/pink + pleated skirt
☑️ 白/红/绿/蓝/粉 + pleated skirt
☑️ 白金 white golden ☑️ 浅蓝 light blue ☑️ 渐变绿 gradient green
☑️ 半透明白 translucent white
☑️ 红青渐变 red cyan gradient ☑️ 红绿渐变 red green gradient
☑️ 白绿相间的百迭裙 green with white
☑️ 浅黄和白绿相间的百迭裙 light yellow with green with white pleated skirt
☑️ 宋抹 songmo
☑️ red/green/blue/white/orange/pink/yellow/purple
☑️ 红/绿/蓝/白/橘/粉/黄/紫 + songmo
☑️ 绿色碎花宋抹 green floral songmo
☑️ 紫色碎花宋抹 purple floral songmo
☑️ 青色碎花宋抹 cyan floral songmo
☑️长袄 long coat☑️短袄 short coat☑️长衫 long shan☑️短衫 short shan
☑️马面裙 mamian skirt ☑️交领 overlapping collar☑️竖领/立领 standing collar
Go ahead and upload yours!
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